Apache Allura 1.3.2 released

Apache Allura 1.3.2 has been released. It includes 2 security fixes and dozens of small fixes and improvements. The major new features are:

  • Updated icons and cleaner project navigation bar.
  • Enhancements to the Markdown editor added in 1.3.1. We're talking button tooltips, alternate header types, and buttons for section headers, code (works with blocks or inline code), horizontal rule, and tables.
  • Admin options for any tool available directly in the left sidebar. No more digging through separate Admin navigation.
  • API documented in .raml files. We published the API docs already, which are generated from the .raml definition files.
  • A site admin (/nf/admin) page to permanently delete projects and their data.

Download Allura and install it today.

View the full 1.3.2 Changelog